Scarlet Oak

Quercus coccinea
Mature Height: 60 to 80 ft.
Mature Spread: 40 to 50 ft.

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When considering an oak tree most think its primary quality is as a shade tree. However, the scarlet oak offers a little more. This oak has a vivid red fall color and a smaller more rounded spread making it a wonderful ornamental tree for the urban and suburban settings. The fall foliage also hangs on into the winter offering some color against the white snowy backdrop. The scarlet oak also produces acorns in the fall every 2 years that attracts wildlife. Due to the size, oaks are usually planted as a specimen tree with enough room to grow.

Bloom Color:None
Bloom Period:Spring
Fall Color:Brilliant scarlet red
Foliage Color:Green
Genus & Species:Quercus coccinea
Growth Rate:Medium
Mature Height:60 to 80 ft.
Mature Spread:40 to 50 ft.
Soil Type:Adaptable, but prefers dry, sandy, slightly acidic soil
Sun Exposure:Full sun

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

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