Phlox subulata Blue Emerald - Creeping Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Blue Emerald'
Mature Height: 4 to 6 inches
Mature Spread: 12 to 18 inches

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This true creeping phlox is great for creating a full bed of lush purple flowers. In spring, when you see spreading mats of low green plants absolutely smothered in color. Yes. That's creeping phlox. There are many varieties of phlox, but creeping phlox is a staple and the variety that many people imagine when they hear the name. If you are looking for a durable, easy to grow ground cover, or a blanket of flowers in a garden bed or along a wall, walkway, or border this is a great choice. Grown along a retaining wall or other vertical structure it will spill and create a beautiful show.

Why we choose Blue Emerald

Some believe cascading phlox is basic and overused in the garden, but we don't. We say do what you like, and there is a reason this plant has become a garden staple. It is easy to grow with consistent blooms. You'll usually see it hanging over a wall or among hardscape, but it works for situations where you want a blanket ground cover that is relatively durable. It is difficult to achieve the same simultaneous early season blooms that come in full bursts of color with any other plant. When you take a moment to consider how darn easy it is to raise creeping phlox, you see the reason why so many people turn to this plant and why we like it.

We choose Emerald Blue because it is easy to grow with good purple coloration. In our experience, it also provides the biggest healthiest plants for our customers of all the creeping phlox we have tried.

Photo Credit: Walters Gardens 

Bloom Color:Shades of purple with hints of blue
Bloom Period:Mid to late spring
Genus & Species:Phlox subulata 'Blue Emerald'
Mature Height:4 to 6 inches
Mature Spread:12 to 18 inches
Plant Spacing:10 to 16 inches
Planting Depth:Plant even with soil in pot
Planting Time:Spring, summer or fall planting
Soil Type:Does well in dry, rocky, well draining soil
Sun Exposure:Full sun (6+ hours)
Zone:2 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

Phlox subulata Blue Emerald - Creeping Phlox

Phlox subulata - creeping phlox - is an easy to grow versatile ground cover for full sun or light shade. Good drainage is essential; it prefers soils with some sand that is PH neutral. Shear back foliage in the early summer after the first bloom as this will create a nice dense foliage through the summer and the occasional rebloom. Can be divided every 2-3 years in the summer following its bloom period.

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