Kousa Dogwood 'Elizabeth Lustgarten' Weeping

Cornus kousa 'Elizabeth Lustgarten'
Mature Height: 12 to 15 ft.
Mature Spread: 15 to 18 ft.

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Yes, there is a weeping version of the spectacular and disease resistant kousa dogwood! This tree is unusual and very interesting with branches of full leaves and bloom bracts, that weep down to the ground. It is a unique tree and likely not something your neighbors are going to have. The weeping branches create a cascade effect, and within them is a secret hideaway that your kids or grandkids will adore.

 The kousa dogwood is an Asian variety of our own native dogwood, but has its own unique beauty and is resistant to many of the diseases that affect the North American Dogwood. When I think about cornus kousa, I think of beautiful oblong dogwood  blooms in the garden in early summer when our native dogwood species have already lost their blooms. The fruit of cornus kousa is larger than that of our native dogwood and edible, making it a bird magnet for a few weeks in the fall. Kousa leaves are smoother and longer than the the leaves of the native dogwood with a deep green in the summer. In the fall, the kousa takes on a variegated orange, red and green that is more symmetrical and organized than the swirling psychedelic displays put on by our native dogwoods. The branch structure of the weeping kousa is also lovely, with six branches appearing at each node and growing downward symmetrically from the stem to create an elegant cascade effect. Care should be taken when pruning as inexperience can result in diminishing, rather than improving, the cascade effect. Kousa dogwoods are resistant, but not immune, to borers and common dogwood fungal diseases. Like with all dogwoods, care should be taken to provide well draining soil rich in organic matter, and trees should receive extra care and mulch if planted in direct sunlight.

Bloom Color:White
Bloom Period:Early summer
Fall Color:Red, orange, yellow, green in a variegated symmetrical pattern
Foliage Color:Dark green
Genus & Species:Cornus kousa 'Elizabeth Lustgarten'
Growth Rate:Moderate
Mature Height:12 to 15 ft.
Mature Spread:15 to 18 ft.
Soil Type:Moist, well-drained
Sun Exposure:Partial shade, partial sun. Will tolerate full sun, but mulch and soil quality are important.
Zone:5 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

Customer Reviews

Based on 227 reviews
Lisa K
4 very healthy dogwoods

I ordered 4 dogwoods (2 Cloud Nine, 1 Cherokee Chief and 1 Jeans Appalachian Snow to plant in November in Zone 7. I was very impressed with how lovingly they were packaged, how safely and quickly they arrived and how healthy they looked. Good size, branching and healthy root system. I feel confident that they will survive the winter and thrive in the Spring.

John m hawk

Looked healthy

Lynn Gaudio
Perfect arrival

Tree came on time and in really good condition. It was planted as instructed and looking forward to it waking up in the spring.

Ragin Red Dogwood

The tree was received undamaged and looks great. Very health condition. Planted as instructed. It is doing well. Has buds on it. Good size. Well pleased with the plant. Will know more about it when it blooms in spring.

Mr. Frank Franco
Very pleased with my bare rooted trees.

The bare root dogwood trees I received from New Blooms were much nicer than I expected. The trunks were nice and thick and the stocky trees were well branched. But it was the roots that most impressed me,...they were very well developed and dense. The best root system I ever saw on such a small (3-4 foot) tree! I have purchased plants from many different sources over the years and I was pleasantly surprised by New Bloom's quality. Also,....the trees were packed better for shipping than any I received through the mail!