Gatsby Moon® Oakleaf hydrangea

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Brother Edward' USPP 25413
Mature Height: 6 to 8 ft.
Mature Spread: 6 to 8 ft.

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We were already fans of the Gatsby series of oakleaf hydrangea and we just love the tightly packed double florets in the large panicles of Gatsby Moon. The white and green panicles are just stunning and offer a variant on the traditional oakleaf hydrangea blooms. Oakleaf hydrangea is a spectacualr plant. If you have room and don't have one you should. They are easy to grow and provide so much interest from their large blooms and their shaggy exfoliating bark. They have an open interior that birds love, so if you enjoy watching birds you'll add outstanding habitat as the shrub grows. The leaves are large and lobed, with outstanding fuzzy leathery texture in the summer and as fall approaches they transition to a rainbow of purples reds and oranges, making them one of the best fall plants you can own.

Bloom Color:White with green edges
Bloom Period:Early to late summer
Fall Color:Purple, red, orange and yellow swirls
Foliage Color:Deep rich feathery black, purple and dark green
Genus & Species:Hydrangea quercifolia 'Brother Edward' USPP 25413
Growth Rate:Moderate
Mature Height:6 to 8 ft.
Mature Spread:6 to 8 ft.
Soil Type:Well drained soil; Keep mulched for best performance.
Sun Exposure:Full to Part sun
Zone:5 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

Gatsby Moon® Oakleaf hydrangea

Oak leaf hydrangea is an easy to care for plant. Like all plants we recommend keeping it well mulched through the year for maximum performance. It does best in non-compacted solis, but as long as the fertilization and soil quality issues are met it will grow reliably with very little problem. We don't recommend pruning, but problem braches can be pruned back if necessary.

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