Flame Crabapple

Malus 'Flame'
Mature Height: 15 to 25 ft.
Mature Spread: 10 to 20 ft.

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The name ‘Flame’ is for their bright red fruit that they get in late summer lasting into fall and even winter. It also has unique semi weeping branching but still keeps a narrow tight form making it a good fit for smaller spaces. Even with these often over looked features you will still get the eye catching beauty in the spring with bright pink buds that pop open into fragrant white flowers that seem to take over the tree. While researching about the variety of crabapple cultivars I learned that you should not always chose a crabapple based on the flowers alone. When you are looking for a crabapple you should also consider their form and the fruit as these are what makes them the most unique among ornamental trees. These are two of the qualities you will find with the ‘Flame’ crabapple. You can always find a crabapple tree that can fit any need, but often you will find them used as stand-alone specimen trees because their beauty last through the seasons.

Bloom Color:White
Bloom Period:Spring
Fall Color:Yellow
Foliage Color:Dark green
Genus & Species:Malus 'Flame'
Growth Rate:Moderate
Mature Height:15 to 25 ft.
Mature Spread:10 to 20 ft.
Soil Type:Moist, well drained
Sun Exposure:Full sun
Zone:4 to 8

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

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