Agastache 'Mango Tango' - Anise Hyssop

Agastache 'Mango Tango'
Mature Height: 16 to 18 inches
Mature Spread: 14 to 16 inches

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Mango Tango has a shorter habit and is a very tidy Agastache with profuse pink/orange blooms. This perennial is great for border gardens, pots and more formal settings due to its neat appearance and compact height. Other than a lack of tolerance to wet conditions, it is a very hardy and resistant plant. It has a long bloom period that lasts from late-spring into fall.

Agastache is a tough pollinator friendly perennial has a long floral display with spikes of flowers that extend from brushy foliage. Agastache is easy to grow in well drained soils and tolerates heat well. Flowers bloom for an extended period from mid-spring to summer and can be deadheaded (cut off) to extend the bloom period. Foliage is aromatic and smells of licorice.

Bloom Color:Orange with peach and pink shades
Bloom Period:Early summer through fall
Genus & Species:Agastache 'Mango Tango'
Mature Height:16 to 18 inches
Mature Spread:14 to 16 inches
Plant Spacing:12 to 14 inches
Planting Depth:At crown level (base of the plant)
Planting Time:Spring or early summer planting
Soil Type:Prefers soil with good drainage, drought tolerant
Sun Exposure:Full Sun
Zone:6 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

Agastache 'Mango Tango' - Anise Hyssop

Agastache is a tough pollinator friendly perennial has a long floral display with spikes of flowers that extend from brushy foliage. Agastache is easy to grow in well drained soils and tolerates heat well. The key with this flower is good drainage. The plant will not tolerate soil that holds water during the winter months. Gravel can be used at the bottom of the garden bed to improve drainage in poor conditions. Flowers bloom for an extended period from mid-spring to summer and can be deadheaded (cut off) to extend the bloom period.

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